






Without donations and volunteers, we could not run this program for all athletes who participate. There are many ways for parents to get involved with Track & Field. Please check out the many opportunities below.


Running a program with 200+ athletes costs money.

Track & Field is the largest athletic program at Mira Costa. Without donated funds, we could not continue to run this program.

The funds cover program costs that are not covered by other sources.

  • Ask Donation is a voluntary donation used to cover all program costs that are not paid for by the School District. The suggested donation amount for the 2024-2025 season is $400.00 per athlete but we are grateful for any contribution a family can make.

    The funding that we receive from the District is minimal and does not come close to covering the operating costs of our program. The Track & Field program is one of the largest sports programs with 210-245 athletes and 18-24 coaches, assistant coaches, and helpers.

    What MBUSD covers:
    Two In-Season head coaches and two In-Season assistant coaches

    What Track & Field Boosters covers:
    Off-Season Coaches
    In-Season Coaches
    Helpers (e.g., shot put officiates, computer technicians, timers, record keepers)

    Bus transportation
    Equipment purchases
    Equipment maintenance
    Competition and Invitational Meet fees

    Banquet costs for coaches and graduating seniors

    Large, one-time purchases (e.g., LED Timing Scoreboard, tents, laptops, camera system)

    See Track and Field 2022-2023 Budget.


Running a program that provides 200+ athletes with many opportunities to reach and grow takes dedicated coaches and hard-working volunteers. Our volunteers also fundraise to help cover program costs and keep down our Fair Share donation request. 

Without volunteers, we could not continue to run this program. There are many ways you can help, whether you commit to a Board position, co-chair a committee, or pitch in for a couple of hours on a weekend at a home meet or fundraiser. Plus, our volunteers enjoy a lot of camaraderie!


The Mira Costa Track & Field Boosters operates under the framework of the MBX Foundation, a federal tax-exempt organization (FEIN 02-0603467). The Booster Board and Committees support the program for the benefit of student-athletes, through fundraising and activities to engage athletes and families in the program. 

Without volunteers, we could not run this program for all the athletes who participate. There are many volunteer opportunities for parents to get involved with Track & Field, including leadership positions in the Booster Club.

Our booster positions are:

  • Manages Track & Field Boosters to support the Track & Field program for the benefit of athletes, coaches and parents and for Mira Costa HS in general. Works with the Treasurer, VP/Webmaster and Communications, coaches and MBx Foundation

    Held by: Andrew Werhane

  • Currently Need A Volunteer

  • Manages Boosters’ finances and issues payments to operate the Track & Field program. Works with the President, MBx Foundation and coaches to support the program

    Held by: Carolyn Mukai

  • Creates newsletters and eblasts with news about meets, records, results, requirements for participation/attendance. Maintains Track & Field website. Works with President and Head Coach(es)

    Held by: Julie Johnson

    and Jennifer Koch

  • Organizes and oversees Track & Field’s largest meet with up to 20 schools competing, including parent volunteers

    Held by: Carolyn Mukai

  • Organizes and oversees Track & Field’s annual fundraising event open to K-8th graders who compete in a “mini-meet,” run mostly through student-athlete volunteers

    Held by: Carolyn Mukai

  • Orders uniforms for Track & Field athletes and organizes the distribution

    Held by: Diana Franck

  • Orders Mira Costa and Track & Field branded apparel and goods to be sold to parents and the public and organizes online sales

    Held by: Natalia Hansen

  • Contacts local businesses to sponsor Track & Field and orders banners that publicize businesses

    Currently Need A Volunteer

  • Contacts local restaurants to arrange fundraisers (Boosters receives a share of sales during fundraiser)

    Chiaki Klapper

  • Recruits and organizes volunteers for meets, fundraisers and banquet and creates and sends SignUpGenius.com to parents

    Currently Need A Volunteer

  • Keeps community apprised of Track & Field news through Mira Costa HS and local news outlets about new records and results of meets

    Held By Coach Gamble

  • Organizes and oversees collection and sales of snacks at events at Mira Costa. Works with the Treasurer and Volunteer Coordinator

    Currently Need A Volunteer

  • Organizes and oversees the annual banquet (usually in May). Works with the Treasurer

    Held By: Amanda Luftman

  • Creates a compilation video of images collected during the season, to be shown at the annual banquet

    Held By: Teresa Martinez

  • Helps maintain the track time schedule at Mira Costa meets. Calls together and place athletes in proper positions, as needed, at the start and/or at the finish of their events

    Currently Need A Volunteer

  • Updates the Track & Field website with info on meet results and news. Works with the Webmaster

    Currently Need A Volunteer

  • Takes photos at the location of the specific event. Recruits volunteers for their event at Mira Costa meets. Shares highlights of their events with VP of Communications and Press Release Coordinator

    Currently Need A Volunteer

Many of our veteran volunteers have been working behind the scenes for years on the Boosters Board and committees and are due to “graduate” with their student-athletes. To keep going, our program relies on fresh volunteers who are prepared to take over the reins from veteran volunteers.

Interested in getting involved?
Reach out below!


Our largest hosted meet has up to 20 schools competing. We need “all hands on deck” for this special event and welcome all parent volunteers to check-in coaches and athletes as they arrive, collect admission fees, monitor access at the trackside gate, distribute metals to winning athletes and clean up the track after the meet. We seek donations of food and drinks for the snack stand and need help to set up, run and clean up the snack stand.  

Interested in getting involved?



Volunteers get close to the action on the field during home meets. They include:

  • Long jump: rake the pit so athletes have smooth sand to jump into, may be asked to assist in measuring distances and recording data

  • High jump: adjust or replace the bar, may be asked to record data

  • Shot put and discus: measure and record distance

  • Clerk of the Course: assist in setting up tents, may be asked to give athletes at start of each race their heat, lane assignments and hip numbers

  • Timer: may be asked to assist the timer by organizing athletes at the finish line 

We seek donations of food and drinks for the snack stand and need help to set up, run and clean up the snack stand.

Interested in getting involved?


Mustang Middle School Invitational

Our big annual fundraising event is open to middle school students who compete in a “mini-meet,” run mostly through student-athlete volunteers. We seek donations of food and drinks for the snack stand and need help to set up, run and clean up the snack stand.


Interested in getting involved?

We’ve been fortunate to achieve great things in the past with your donations!

Take a look below at our 2020-2021 budget accomplishments & our proposed 2021-2022 budget.

Track and Field 2020-2021 Budget Accomplishments

Track and Field 2021-2022 Proposed Budget